
So i met a girl tonight..

So yeah, i met a girl tonight, she's pretty awesome but i wish we got to talk more...
Her name is Julia and she used to skate, when she said that i absoloutly shat bricks.. when girls talk about anything that i'm interested in i pretty much shit bricks because, well, even though I may seem like a bit of a player in my blog (lol jokes brah!), i'm not really.
I'm really shy, I'm only really good friends with guys, so anytime chicks are into anything i'm into, i pretty much develope feelings for them.. which kinda sucks because a lot of the time, it either leads to nothing or I just don't talk to them in the first place.
But yeah... i talked to Julia, for a fairly long time... and she laughed at some of my jokes, which are reaaaalllyyy terrible... she goes to a catholic school and she was talking about religeous education and how at her school they have to write essay's on the bible and such and i made some crack about how in my essay i would talk about how "the bible can be found in the fiction section at the library" and she laughed.. and it pretty much caused me enough joy to explode..
Okay.. so you may have realised i've had a little to drink right now.. that's because i have.. but still.. i like you julia, if you're reading this.. :). I probably shouldn't be blogging right now but whatever.. Adam, your dreams are fucked... you need to get fixed.. that's why i'm glad you're seeing a psychiatrist.. don't be so god damned scared of going to sleep and just have regular dreams and you'll be fine.. i know that you have scary dreams but if you stop having them and start having regular dreams you will be fine :D
Sincerely, lol jokes, adam, your friend SHAAAUUNNNOOOOOOOO


  1. Drunkity, Drunkity, Drunkity, Drunkity. Shaun, good luck with her mate.

  2. i don't remember writing much of this.. it's making me cringe but i guess i'll leave it. i'm not one to take things back...
