Hello Internet I am Shaun, i've been inside of you for a while but it's very nice to meet you personally.
So i don't really know where to go with this, I don't think i've ever read a blog let along attempted to write one, so it's my first time, be nice.
I'm a 17 year old high school kid from Melbourne Australia, that likes computer games, movies (i hope to one day be able to call myself a movie buff), hanging with my mates and I love chicks, even though they seem to be lacking in the general vicinity surrounding me recently.
I'm not as much into sci-fi as some of my friends, I've seen as much as the next guy of course, but i'm pretty much into anything that's well made in some way, shape or form. I'm doing year 12 this year so the first thing i'm gonna try and do is pass, i'm doing lit, english, further maths, history revolutions and media, some of which are fun and some which make me want to tie a rope around my ballsack, bring it around my back to my neck and strangle myself with it. So that's pretty much me, well all i can think of at the moment.
Oh and i love music,
Blink 182
Reel Big Fish
Rage Against the Machine
That is all.