
So I am the creator of this here blog.

Generally known to be insane and not known as Adam much. I say "So" and "So Yeah" alot. So yeah. I'm interested in a lot of things like Sci-Fi, Reading, Alcohol, Booze, Weird shit and women. Mostly women. Latin-American women at that. AND red heads. I love red heads. Gorgeous bunch the lot of them, well the woman are, red headed men just look weird.

Not much I can really say about myself, that above paragraph basically sums me up decently. Oh and I love a girl who can kick my ass, that's something else. So yeah. I'm clrealy not particularly complex. British women are awesome as well and so is Irish everyone (men and women).

Getting drunk with an Irish person can be the highlight of any day (and that's the highest form of postive racism I can give). Here's looking at you Philip.