

don't you hate introductions? i never know quite what to say about myself to random strangers- what they'll find interesting or just plain useless and dull. so i'll try and do my best. here goes.

i'm bec, also known as 'sir sparkle', currently 18 going on 19, and constantly surrounded by guys who talk about zombies, gore and guns 24/7... i enjoy correcting other people's spelling and grammar, but give fuck all about my own *cough*hypocrite*cough*... while i enjoy the odd bout of scifi, i'm no hardcore fanatic like some of these guys and tend to have more... diverse... tastes in film and literature.

i was convinced to do this blog by the mighty adam... with whom i can't have a conversation about doctor who with without it turning into a full on verbal war... but do believe that when we get the hang of the whole 'blogging' thing, it'll be a hell of a lot of fun.

here's to pointless posts about zombies gore and guns! oh, and women. can't forget the women. -_-'