
HMS Pinafore

So. Today I've been kind of obsessed with Gilbert and Sullivan. By the way, I should mention that although I generally hate opera's I love HMS Pinafore. It's such a catchy... thing. I've been trying to memorise Modern Major General, which is increadibly hard and really serves me no point at all.

Today also, I've been listening to Smashing Pumpkins... there pretty cool, though I still prefer System of a Down for my punk/metal/hard rock genre oh and Dropkick Murphies to just bounce around to.

Went to Borders (the book store for those who don't know), the one at Highpoint Mall is closing down and so I got a bunch of books for increadibly cheap. Arthur C Clark, Richard Morgan, Richard Dean Foster, Joe Haldeman. I might read Joe Haldeman first. The Forever Triliogy. Sounds good.

Which reminds me, I finish reading Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. I must say, Phillip K Dick is an amazing author. Electric Sheep has to be one of my favorite books ever, actually it's strongely contending Dracula for my favorite book. I should also re-read Dracula. So many books, so little time to read them.

Okay, honestly, I wasn't going to do a blog post today. Nor tomorrow, however tonight is my weekly Car Park nightmare night and I'm just looking for several reasons to procrastinate so I don't go to bed and sleep.

I don't think I'm going to last the night awake.

It's odd, but I'm actually afraid to go to bed.

I'm really, very scared.

1 comment:

  1. how can you compare smashing pumpkins to system of a down. they're completely fucking different things. and pumpkins would win, hands down.
