
A new week (great...)

Looking on my timetable, I've realized that half my classes at school are cancelled. Sounds like good news, right? It's not. Reading between the lines, I'm guessing that I'm going to get about as much work as I did back during the Easter break, and boy, that was a lot. Spares = a break? Don't make me laugh. It will be like dangling Mass Effect 3 in front of Adam's face and then proceeding to snap it in half. Before burning BioWare to the ground. Then creating a virus to attack all of the data on every ME3 disc so ME3 is deleted from existence (alright, I'm kidding. I'll be too dead to do anything else after snapping the disc). In other words, stop promising me something good... and THEN TAKE IT ALL AWAY AND BURY ME UNDER ALL THE FUC(oh wait, no bad words in case my snark hasn't already burn away the innocent minds of little kids who are reading the blog - wait who is reading the blog anyway?)**** HOMEWORK!

Okay, now for me to crap on about something else. Uh... right your nightmares, Adam. Are you taking any type of medications(probably not)? Or were you busy playing some wacked up horror game or watching some kind of horror movie? (you're a zombie fan and then there's the case of Amnesia...) Reading Dracula might also be an ignition for a nightmare (right... assuming Ms. Meyer hasn't finished vampires by, you know, turning them all into sparking, pale stalkers - all of which leads to vampires becoming nightmare retardant as opposed to your nightmare fuel. But this is Dracula...). Ah well, hoped you slept well anyway (I doubt it. I really do.), otherwise go and see your psychiatrist, and get that nightmare thing of yours treated, or you could really be driven off the edge. No, I don't care if she has a massive pole stuck up her... well, just go see her anyway.

Better get going now... all of that homework is just waiting to bury me alive - gotta start burying them instead. Maybe fire's the better option. Or a pen - 'cause I clearly don't want detentions to ruin my clean record (my family will skin me alive - in case I didn't have enough incentive).

P.S. Good luck with your girl, Shaun (you'll be needing it - no wait! Don't hit me!). No seriously, best of luck!

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