
Same old...

Hey guys,
I read Adam's blog yesterday for clarification, I just wanna let you guys know he's okay, he's not suicidal or anything, haha.. he just has nightmares a lot and that's shitty.. but what can you do.. life goes on, as some people might say..
I've not really been up to much, I played through Portal 2 on the holidays a few weeks ago, all i can really say is play it, it's fantastic.
Lately i've just been trying to get through school, i handed my year 12 media product script in the other day, i had to do it under so much pressure so i'm not sure if i'm really happy with it. Me and Adam are in the same media class, it's pretty sweet, we had a double today and pretty much did nothing at all. I feel worn out by school already and it's only the second week back. Is that bad?I'm tired constantly and seem to avoid study at all costs, even if it means screwing up a sac.. which effectively go towards the rest of my life.. not good.
but i guess that's what this blog is about, procrastination.
So we're doing poetry in Literature at the moment, as you may have noticed from Adam's reference to Keat's (he may pretend to read intelligent literature in his spare time, but that's just to pull chicks mostly), I'm just gonna say now that i'm not going to do well on this section of literature, my best piece of poetry was when teachers made us make up acrostic poems for our names...
Athletic (in grade 5 this could describe me.. now? hahahahahaha.)
This wasn't the same acrostic poem, just a dramatisation.. you know.. like current affair.. except this is more like news. Right, so that's pretty much all that's on my mind at the moment.
Ciao, Shaun.


  1. Dude. I totally read intelligent Literture. Reading "Do Andriods Dream of Electric Sheep" right. 20th centure Literture at it's best.....
    By the way. Doesn't knowning intelleigent literture work on picking up girls? If so, I must try this out.

  2. BTW, Portal 2 is amazing. We have to go Co-op again soon.
    Oh and you done anything else on the Production Elements Assigement?

  3. knowning how to spell intelleigently gets chicks as well as reading literture. lol.

    and knowing is different to understanding.
