
Boring lifestyle = crazy adventures (in your head)

I looked coolly at my enemy, as it stared back, unflinching. I stared at it, carefully studying it for weaknesses - ways for it to be brought down. It had been a formidable enemy, carefully deflecting my attempts to bring it down as it hides on its battlefields of blue and white. I grit my teeth and looked on more carefully before realizing where my efforts had gone wrong from before. Grinning triumphantly, I quickly slashed across, leaving a streak of red. Even so, this bastard refuses to yield, grimly holding on to the believe that it would remain undefeated. Not anymore. I made a few more slashes and jabs, quickly bringing down this behemoth.

Yeah... I guess I can over-dramatise things a bit as I remembered my brain going into its little imagination as I tried to work that specialist maths question down. Stupid graph... can't believed that it made me trip up on 11+9. Anyway, math questions that require a page of working out should be banned. I mean, you think essays are hard? Essays aren't completely ruined if you make one tiny mistake. Do that for maths and it will maul you like a rabid fangirl after you mocked Twilight.

Well, apart from that little adventure with maths, I pretty much got nothing else for now. Life's still looking pretty normal, if it wasn't for the fact that a slight chill has been descending on everybody recently. But hey, it's probably just Melbourne's weather as God decides to press the randomly press buttons on his weather machine just to screw with us mortals. At least I hope it's just Melbourne's weather. Everybody just seems so... tired? Down? I don't know. Maybe it is just the weather.

Oh well, whether it's the weather, I probably should stop procrastinating and get right back to work. Those math questions aren't going to complete themselves. Unfortunately.


  1. Really? Was it the failed attempts at turning maths into an adventure? Or was it the sheer amount of deadpan snarking? Probably the latter though...
